Parker Kotlarz and Marion Hagstrom, NRG members, presented “Early Diagnosis of Alzheimer’s Disease Using Artificial Intelligence” at this year’s Posters on the Hill (POH). They met virtually on April 26-27 to present to students, professors, congressional staff, and others. Before the poster session, Parker and Marion spoke with Paul Bonicelli, the Senior Policy Advisor for Sen. Rick Scott. They spoke to him about supporting biomedical research for undergraduates and research for Alzheimer’s disease.
“Posters on the Hill is a critical element in CUR’s advocacy efforts. It is more important than ever that the voice of undergraduate researchers and their mentors are heard on Capitol Hill. This prestigious event celebrates the impressive work of the accepted students and supports the messages of the importance of undergraduate research at the federal level.”
Read more about POH at: https://www.cur.org/what/events/students/poh/